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제목 [Announcement] Korea Climate Change Report

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Korea Climate Change Report


□Report Introduction
In order to support the government ministries and local governments of South Korea in drawing up
consistent measures for addressing climate change, projections of future climate change in the level of
the city, county and borough should be provided.
The Korea Meteorological Administration has put together overall information for the Korean Peninsula
as well as information organized by regions, so that the future trends of climate changes can be found
in one place and be readily used for policy making. The report has been issued as 9 volumes divided
by regions and also released as the collected report, 'Korea Climate Change Report', integrating all of
these regions.
This report presents a comprehensive review of the rapidly changing climate conditions on the Korean
Peninsula by examining the observational data from the past 30 years for both South Korea and
North Korea, and the future projections of climate change for the 21st century on the basis of the new
greenhouse gas scenarios.


2.Data and Methodology
 2-1.Observation Data
 2-2.Climate Change Scenario Data

3.Characteristics of Observed Climate Change
 3-1.Spatial Patterns of Climate over the Korean Peninsula
 3-2.Temporal Patterns of Climate over the Korean Peninsula

4.Future Climate Change Projections for the Korean Peninsula
 4-1.Spatial Patterns of Climate Change Projections
 4-2.Temporal Patterns of Climate Change Projections

5.Climate Change Projections for the Administrative Areas of South Korea

6.Application of the Climate Change Projections


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